Baripada: The Hindu month of ‘Chaitra’ is usually one full of activities for the ‘Chhau’ dancers of Mayurbhanj district. The last three days of the month of ‘Chaitra’ is a period people look forward to with keen interest in the Mayurbhanj district. During these three days, the ‘Chhau’ dancers and followers of the dance form throng in large numbers to the ‘Baripada Chhau’ ground.
However, things have been different this year with the outbreak of the pandemic coronavirus. The month of ‘Chaitra’ has come and gone without any fun-filled activities. With strict ban on large gatherings during the lockdown period, cultural programmes have not been organised.
The tradition of celebrating ‘Chhau Utsav’ has been continuing for a long time. However, people will be mistaken if they think the festivities take place on the last three days of ‘Chaitra’ only. The entire month is earmarked for rehearsals and the sounds of drums, conches and other instruments reverberate through this town. Designated areas known as ‘akharas’ are earmarked for the rehearsals.
The competition begins in earnest on the first of the last three days of ‘Chaitra’. Different ‘Chhau’ groups show off their skills with one emerging victorious. However, the main performances take place on the 29th and 30th day of ‘Chaitra’ when the world famous Mayurbhanj style Chhau’ groups of Uttara Sahi and Dakhina Sahi performs.
It on these two days lovers of dance and traditional art throng to witness the spectacle here. People from the neighbouring districts in West Bengal and Jharkhand also visit the ‘Baripada Chhau’ ground to gain firsthand experience of the traditional dance form.
According to Narayan Dhada, a ‘Chhau’ dance guru, the dancers, drummers and other members various groups and institutions had done their rehearsals to prepare for the event this year. But due to the lockdown enforced to prevent the spread of coronavirus, the ‘Chhau Utsav’ has been cancelled. Dhada said that this is the first time the programme has been cancelled since its inception.
Notably, there are three forms of Chhau dance in India. They are the Mayurbhanj Chhau, Seraikella style Chhau (Jharkhand) and Purulia Chhau (West Bengal). The presentation styles are vastly different from one another.