Country where cow toilets are built

Country where cow toilets are built

The BJP-led NDA government in the last five years have spend hundreds of crores on ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ and for its campaign which was launched to clean up streets, roads and infrastructure in both the urban and rural areas.

A similar initiative has been started in the Netherlands, but it is for cows. A Dutch scientist is teaching them to use the toilet instead of urinating which vilifies the environment.

According to reports, a device has been set up which collects 15 to 20 litres of urine emitted by the animals. Had it been in nature, the urine would have emitted a substantial quality of ammonia which in turn would have polluted the atmosphere. Also a large quantity of ammonia in air is a huge irritant for the eye.

The cow toilets are being tested on a farm near the eastern Dutch town of Doetinchem. Out of 58 cows seven have already learned to use them without the need for stimulation.

Stimulation means a method where a box placed behind the cow, while in front is a feeding trough. Once the animal finishes eating a robot arm stimulates a nerve near the udders, which then makes the cow want to urinate.







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