COVID-19: Odisha reports one more death, 51 new cases

Bhubaneswar: A patient of Odisha’s Ganjam district succumbed to the deadly coronavirus disease, taking the state’s total casualties to seven, official sources said Thursday.

Besides one death, 51 persons tested positive for COVID-19, taking the state’s total to 1,103. The fresh cases are from Ganjam (4), Jajpur (5), Cuttack (9), Puri (1), Jagatsinghpur (2), Nayagarh (11), Angul (2), Mayurbhanj (3), Kalahandi (11), Sambalpur (2) and Malkangiri (1).

Of the 11 cases from Kalahandi, 10 had been quarantined on return from outstations (eight from Maharashtra and one each from Chhattisgarh and Gujarat) and the remaining one is local person. The 11 cases reported in Nayagarh are all Surat returnees and was quarantined.

All of the nine positive cases reported in Cuttack had returned from Telengana and were in quarantine. Similarly, the five cases reported from Jajpur are Tamil Nadu returnees quarantined on return.

Of the four new cases in Ganjam, three had returned from Surat and had been quarantined and the remaining one is a local case. All the three COVID-10 patients reported from Mayurbhanj are Andhra Pradesh returnees (quarantined). The two fresh cases in Jagatsinghpur had been in quarantine centre since their return from Maharashtra.

Of the two cases surfaced in Angul, one is Tamil Nadu returnee and the second one is Andhra Pradesh returnee. They had been in quarantine centre. Similarly, of the two reported from Sambalpur, one is West Bengal returnee and had been in quarantine centre and the remaining one is a local case.

While the case reported from Puri is a West Bengal returnee and had been in quarantine centre, the one reported from Malkangirir had been in quarantine on return from Tamil Nadu.

The Health and Family Welfare Department assured that contact tracing of the newly infected is underway.

With 51 new cases, the number of active cases in Odisha surged to 753 while the number of recovered patients now stands at 343.


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