COVID-19 patient at home: Protect yourself and keep your family safe; here’s how

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The new strain of coronavirus is highly contagious.

If anyone in your house also has mild symptoms then isolate the person immediately. Doctors are asking patients to treat themselves at home. However, while taking care of the patient in home isolation, the other members of the house also need to be very careful. The people of the house have to protect themselves along with the patient. If you have a coronavirus patient at your home, then you must follow these CDC guidelines.

How to take care of a COVID patient in home isolation

  1. You should shift the patient to a room that has an attached bathroom.
  2. Take full care of the patient’s diet and give them plenty of fluids to drink.
  3. Allow the patient to rest as much as possible. Supply their essential goods to the room.
  4. If the patient has any pets, keep them away during the infection.
  5. If there is difficulty in breathing, severe chest pain or if the patient is unable to get up from the bed, then contact the doctor immediately.
  6. Keep the windows of the patient’s room open so that proper ventilation is maintained in the room.
  7. The infected person should wear a mask while talking to other people.

How to protect yourself from patient

  1. Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from the patient. Do not have any physical contact.
  2. Coronavirus spreads rapidly by coming into contact with each other, the patient’s droplets, coughing or sneezing.
  3. The patient should be cared for by a person who does not have any disease.
  4. Do not let anyone come from outside into the house and it would be better to avoid going outside unnecessarily.
  5. Pick up the dishes of patient by wearing gloves. Afterward, wash hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  6. Do not share the glass, cup, towel or anything of the infected person.
  7. Patients infected with coronavirus should keep a mask on while talking to other members of the household. You should change your mask periodically.
  8. After cleaning the patient’s room, do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth without washing hands.
  9. Clean the patient’s room with soap and detergent.
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