Rourkela: Sundargarh Police has arrested five persons, who belong to an inter-district gang of dacoits, in connection with a series of burglaries. As per sources, the modus operandi of the gang was very different as they were only targeting schools, panchayat offices, and Anganwadi centres. The arrested dacoits were identified as Padman Patra (38) of Sambalpur, Sanjay alias Karan Kumar (45), Chitrasen Magar (37), Swarup alias Kanha Keshari (37), all belonging to Badgaon and Dushmanta Swain of Kujanga area in Jagatsinghpur. Police recovered electrical cutting machines, three 65-inch smart television sets, 16 inverter batteries, three fans, seven gas cylinders, seven wall-mounted fans, four inverters, two printers, one refrigerator, 26 solar panels, some electrical equipment, and three bikes. Special teams led by the SDPO could establish similarities in all burglary cases.
Pandemic’s Legacy
Not only is Donald Trump back in the White House, but the far right is poised to occupy the Austrian...
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