Puri: Daita servitors who consider the presiding deities of Srimandir as their siblings observe food restrictions and live a simple life during the Anasara ritual.
As per Srimandir tradition, Daita servitors attend to Lord Jagannath and his siblings Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra when they undergo medication for fever at the Anasara Gruha (asylum for sick) following the Snana Purnima (bathing ritual).
Customarily, Daita servitors and their families never spend nights outside the Holy City during the 15-day long special ritual at Srimandir.
“We keep our houses and kitchens thoroughly cleaned and wash the clothes ahead of the bathing ritual of Srimandir deities. Our women prepare rice, dal and curry by using firewood. Our family members take food only once a day during the Anasara ritual,” said senior Daita servitor Ramchandra Das Mahapatra.
According to him, Daita servitors and their families are forbidden to take food outside during the medication period of Srimandir deities. “Members of our community who are working outside take 15 days leave and reach here to join us as part of the observance. No friend and relative are allowed to visit our houses during this period,” said Das Mahapatra.
The senior Daita servitor claims that members of his community are forbidden to use cushion, cot and pillow during the ritual. “Members of Daita community even do not use ornaments during the medication of deities,” Das Mahapatra claimed.
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