Post News Network
The state government has decided to strengthen the electrical infrastructure in elephant corridors in view of the frequent electrocution of elephants in the past two to three years.
The government also introduced a specific budget provision for it, energy department additional secretary Sangramjit Nayak said. The budget provision for the project was Rs 21 crore last year, but was increased to Rs 35.85 crore this financial year, Nayak said.
The project involves interposing of electric poles with spikes, increasing height of poles, cupping of poles, fencing of sub-station with barbell wire and conversion of conductors. The work in being implementated in all elephant corridors under the four distribution companies (discoms)- Cesu, Nesco, Wesco and Southco.
“While the work is in final stage in Nesco, Wesco and Southco areas, in the Cesu area it will take some more time. However, we set a deadline of completing the work by the end of this month,” Nayak said, adding heights of 7,641-11 KV poles and 416-33 KV poles were increased so far.
The heights of as many 102-33 KV poles and 3195-11 KV poles were increased in Cesu area, while only 314-33 KV poles’ heights were increased under Southco region. Similarly, heights of 2924-11 KV poles and 1522-11 KV poles were increased in Wesco and Nesco areas respectively, Nayak said.
Besides, 25,368 electric poles across the state were interposed with spikes, so that it will prevent the elephants from touching it.
According to the government statistics, 118 locations were marked as elephant pass way in Cesu area, which includes 63 locations under Telkoi-Pallahara elephant corridor, five under Maulabhanja-Jiridamali-Anantapur corridor, 13 in Nuagaon-Baruni and 37 comes under Kahneijena-Anantapur elephant corridor.
Similarly, 81 locations were identified in Southco area, 112 in Wesco and 14 in Nesco area as elephant pass ways. In those areas, the heights of all electric poles will be increased and the conductors will be changed.