Viksit Odisha @2036

Dengue continues to haunt Rourkela


Rourkela: Despite all possible efforts by the administration the dengue menace continues to ravage this city. The worst affected area remains the captive township of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP).

“Efforts are being made to control the spread of dengue. However, in the last one week, there are no signs of the disease waning. The number of patients at the IGH, RGH and private hospitals is only increasing,” said a doctor actively involved in tackling dengue.

The doctor informed that in the last six days, 226 new cases of dengue have been identified. “However, this figure does not include those who are getting tested at private labs and hospitals. Hence one can imagine what the total number of dengue-affected cases might be,” the doctor pointed out.

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The doctor informed that 35 positive dengue cases were identified August 31. The number of positive cases reported September 2 was 60, September 3 (52), September 4 (25) and September 5 (54). However, these cases were reported from the IGH and the RGH. “Data from private health centres are not available. However, one can safely say that the number of dengue-affected patients is much higher than the projected figures,” the doctor added.

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RSP’s captive township has turned out to be the hotspot for dengue. A large number of people from sectors one, three, four, 13, 17 and 20 have been hit by dengue. Despite the best efforts of RSP, the disease has been spreading with new cases being reported every day.

RSP has formed a team of 50 volunteers to tackle the dengue crisis. The team members have been on a door to door campaign spreading awareness about the disease. However, despite their best efforts, the fever continues to hit residents of RSP’s township. Water logging continues to be the major source of headache in many parts of the township.

The Rourkela Municipal Corporation (RMC) is also carrying out awareness drives in all areas under its jurisdiction. However, here also the efforts are not helping in controlling the spread of dengue. Virtually every day fresh cases of dengue have been reported from Jhirpani, Shakti Nagar, Koel Nagar, Jagda, Bandhamunda, Basanti Colony and Madhusudan Palli localities. Sources in the RGH and RMC said Tuesday that this is the first time that the city is witnessing such a spike in dengue cases.

“We make efforts to prevent water logging at the onset of the monsoons. However, local residents do not listen to us. They allow accumulation of stagnant water in many parts of the localities.

These spots turn out to be the breeding ground for mosquitoes. And when the situation goes out of hand, they blame us,” said an official of the RMC. “Unless people grow aware to the threat of dengue, we will not be able to check the spread of the disease,” he added.


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