Viksit Odisha @2036

Do you know the full form of OK?

OK is the most popular acronym or abstraction used in the world. Most people use the word ‘OK’ be it as a yes to a friend, officer or some senior. Almost everyone uses this word on a daily basis.

But there are only a few people in the world who know the full form of this two-letter Famous Acronym. This is a short form that is used by people even those are not educated.

And this short form is used in almost all parts of the world, regardless of the language people speak there. The spelling of OK varies in different countries, as- Okay, O.K and ok, but the meaning of this word is the same worldwide.

The full form of OK is termed as ‘Olla Kalla’, a greek term which means All Correct. Whenever someone uses OK during a conversation, it means, All Correct, means everything is fine.

The word OK was introduced during the 18th century. If history is to be believed, the word was first used at the office of noted journalist Charles Gordon Greene from America.

Similarly, people these days used acronyms like Lol, OMG and NBD. OK was first introduced as an abbreviation for ‘Oll Korrect. Similarly, the trend also started ‘OW’ which meant ‘Oll Wright’ or All Right.

The term OK gained popularity in 1840 during Martin Van Buren’s presidential campaign. Van Buren was nicknamed ‘Old Kinderhook’ as his place of birth was in Kinderhook, New York. He used ‘Vote for OK’ as his campaign slogan. Although he lost the election, OK remained a popular word.

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