Rourkela: Bondamunda police arrested Tuesday a person with 75.78 gram of heroin in his possession. The accused, identified as Imran Alam, is an auto-rickshaw driver by profession. The market value of the contraband seized is close to Rs 3 lakh, police said. Police had been tipped off by sources that Alam was involved in drug peddling. Accordingly, they were keeping a watch on the accused. Police got the information that Alam was carrying the contraband and accordingly, they set a trap and nabbed him with the heroin Tuesday. “We spread our dragnet and kept a close vigil on the Bisra-Bondhamunda road. We spotted his auto near Kapatmunda square and nabbed him there,” a senior police official said. Police also seized Rs 4,500 in cash and Alam’s mobile phone. Efforts are on to find out about the involvement of others in such nefarious activities with the accused.
Strategic Snub
Chandigarh, the city that wears two hats as the shared capital of Punjab and Haryana, is back in the spotlight...
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