Rourkela: DSP Prabhat Kumar Biswal, who was earlier posted at Sundargarh police headquarters and is presently serving at Jajpur district headquarters has been adjudged to receive the Home Minister’s medal for the outstanding ability he showed during investigation. Biswal was posted at different police stations in Rourkela. He started his career in 2009 here and was posted to Bisra, Sector-19, and Chhend police stations. Biswal’s ability always remained to carry out the investigations in a typical manual book manner. And so far he has managed to solve 21 cases leading to convictions. He has been awarded by the SP and range DIG on several occasions. Biswal is also a sports enthusiast and yoga exponent.
Pandemic’s Legacy
Not only is Donald Trump back in the White House, but the far right is poised to occupy the Austrian...
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