New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate Thursday said it has attached assets worth Rs 54 crore of Karti Chidambaram, son of former Finance Minister P Chidambaram, in India, Spain and the UK in connection with a money laundering case related to INX Media, an action termed “bizarre and outlandish” by him. The agency issued a provisional order under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act for attachment of farm land and bungalow in Kodaikanal and Ooty in Tamil Nadu and a Rs 16-crore flat in south Delhi’s posh Jorbagh locality which is in the name of Karti and his mother Nalini. Karti, the ED said, has a 50 per cent share in this property. In the UK, the ED attached Rs 8.67 crore cottage and house in Somerset and a tennis club valued at Rs 14.57 crore in Spain.
Strategic Snub
Chandigarh, the city that wears two hats as the shared capital of Punjab and Haryana, is back in the spotlight...
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