Electric vehicles for city IIT campus residents

Bhubaneswar:  IIT Bhubaneswar has gone green. A battery powered vehicle was launched for campus residents by Director Prof. R.V. Raja Kumar Thursday. Kumar said IIT Bhubaneswar is committed to a green campus.

“We have achieved fairly good success in this through our plantation drives, cycling culture, zero discharge designs as per GRIHA norms and rainwater harvesting. It gives me happiness to add another dimension to our initiatives. With the introduction of electric vehicles on the campus we look forward to sticking to Central guidelines for promoting renewable energy. We would like to thank Maini Materials Movement of Bengaluru for partnering with IIT Bhubaneswar in this endeavour,” Prof. R.V. Raja Kumar said.

The inaugural ceremony saw the active participation of students, faculty and staff members.

The battery powered vehicles will be available to the campus community for a nominal charge. The service will be operated and maintained by Maini Materials Movement.

Initially, there will be three IS certified vehicles. The number of vehicles will be increased in future as per requirements.

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