Enhancing eyesight through yoga for eyes

BHUBANESWAR: Yoga is well known as a form of exercise to enhance our physical as well as mental health. However, the benefits of this ancient tradition in augmenting our vision are numerous too.

Yoga for eyes enables us to use our eyes to their fullest capability, something which is not required in our day-to-day life. Nowadays, inappropriate responses to stress are being cited as a primary cause of many ailments that plague modern humanity. Many of us are used to looking at a computer screen for at least eight hours a day, and then move out to the areas where we have concrete structures all around us. This reduces the horizon of our vision drastically. In fact, recent studies indicate that stress is a major contributing factor in disorder of the eyes as well.

However, the situation is not as grim as it may sound. Through yoga exercises, people can regain their natural eyesight. It also helps to enhance their functioning and can improve eye-related problems such as short and long sightedness.

With our eyes being one of the most crucial organs of our body which enables us to see the world around us, it is essential that we do not neglect them due to our busy schedules. We must start practicing stretching, focus switching and palming to augment our eyesight.

Naturopath Gourishankar Goswami said, “Yoga for eyes strengthens one’s eyes in a series of poses designed to work through strain and headaches to improve one’s concentration. Many are diagnosed with vision problems. Some have glaucoma or cataract while others suffer from colour blindness. Numerous people suffer from myopia and presbyopia.”

Many patients at my clinic have acknowledged that they have begun to feel different as a result of these exercises.  Goswami also said that eye yoga exercises have existed for centuries Performed routinely according to the guidance of a naturopath, the exercises/asanas can rectify visual defects.

As per world health bodies like WHO, AOA, OSHA, 90% of all Americans will eventually wear glasses, 70% Indians run into some kind of eye trouble in their life, 80% to 90% of people who use computers or television for more than 2 hours daily suffer from CVS and TVS.




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