Expansion of Lanjiberna limestone mine opposed

Expansion of Lanjiberna limestone mine opposed

Kutra: Locals have opposed the expansion of Lanjiberna mine owned by Dalmia Bharat Cement in Kutra block of Sundargarh district. The district administration held a public hearing on the proposed expansion of the mine to obtain environmental clearance.

According to reports, a Dalmia Cement factory operates at Rajganagpur. The company transports raw materials through conveyor belts from Lanjiberna mine.

The company has proposed expansion of the mine for more raw materials. The forest and environment department organized a public hearing at Kukuda and Alanda villages while 12 platoons of police were deployed there.

However, hundreds of people from the locality gathered and opposed the mining expansion.

Angry people prevented officials and police from entering the village. The administration had tried to hold public hearing at Alanda village. The villagers also opposed it.

“We will not spare an inch of land in the area in any circumstance,” locals fumed.

Faced with stiff opposition from locals, police and officials had no way but to return empty-handed.


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