Farmers fret over pest attack

Nuapada: Drought has affected many parts of Nuapada district while pest attack on surviving paddy has become a cause of concern for farmers, a report said.

According to the report, in some areas, farmers have managed to save crops by making use of lift irrigation points when erratic monsoon had played havoc. Now, the paddy is nearing harvest when pest attack has made farmers a worried lot.

Pests like matiagundi, chakada, mahisa and patrapoda have been affecting paddy in Bankapur, Chahal, Padar, Khadabahal, Khiarabhadi, Chandel and Chacharabhati in Padhi and Khasbahal panchayats.

Farmers alleged that at this time of crisis, no agriculture officials venture out to help them in containing pests. “We have applied pesticides and other chemicals. But they are not working to end the pest menace.

Stems of paddy plants get dried up. Pests keep on spreading all over our farmlands,” some farmers added. In such situations, farmers have no choice but to buy whatever pesticides available in the market.

It is alleged that pests are attacking sown paddy more than transplanted one. Most farmers voiced their frustration as the diseases are not contained despite application of pesticides.

In some cases, leaves of paddy plants get scorched. Some desperately run from block agriculture office to farmland seeking advice from experts to save their crops, but to no avail.

“Drought has already broken the backbone of farmers. If pest attack is not contained, there will be nothing for harvest,” many farmers observed.

Pest attack is also spreading in parts of other blocks like Sinapalli, Komna amd Boden.

Affected farmers lamented that they have invested their money taking loans from cooperative banks and money lenders, but they were worried about paying back the loans when crop has already been damaged by drought.

Affected farmers demanded immediate steps by the department to assess the damage and ensure to facilitate crop insurance claims.

District agriculture officer Suresh Chandra Behera and Kharial additional agriculture officer Nita Sabar said they would visit the affected areas and steps will be taken soon.


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