
Gray hair

 What causes premature gray hair?

Graying of hair at an early age is primarily influenced by genetics. If your parents experienced premature graying, there is a high chance that you may also face the same issue. A lack of essential nutrients in the body, such as vitamin B12, iron, and...

Fake snow

China uses fake snow to attract tourists

China, known for producing counterfeit goods, has now drawn criticism for faking snow at a tourist attraction. Due to a lack of snowfall caused by climate change, authorities at a Snow Village in Chengdu, Sichuan province, used cotton wool and soapy water to create an...

Don’t feel sorry for singles; they are happier than couples

Caring for someone is important, but it is equally essential to recognise the difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Being single does not necessarily mean experiencing loneliness. Some people enjoy spending time alone and find fulfillment in their own company. According to experts, everyone...


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