Wearing heels all day is not an easy task. High heels can take a toll on your feet due to blisters, swelling and of course the pain. Here are few tips to make your heels comfortable:
- The first and foremost thing to do while buying high heels is to choose the right fit. Choose heels that actually fit you. This will help you a lot while wearing it. While choosing, pay attention to the arch of the shoe. A too-high arch will always be uncomfortable as compared to softer arches.
- As per survey, thicker heels are a bit comfortable. Ultra-skinny looks may look sexy, but can be very hard to balance. Invest in thicker heels Also, avoid thin soles and look for softer or rubbery material.
- If the pain continues, add extra cushion. Use insoles, foot petals or place cotton balls under your toes for padding.