Rupsa: A fisherman drowned Sunday while five others had a close shave after a mechanised fishing boat overturned in the sea near Bahabalpur fishing centre under Bahabalpur Marine police limits in Balasore district. The deceased was identified as Kalipada Manna of Kashaphala village. There were seven fishermen and the driver on the boat when it overturned. Six of them managed to swim to ashore, but two fishermen, Kalipada and Babudhar Behera went missing. The mishap occurred when the boat ‘Himadri’ was returning to the shore after the day’s catch. Coastguard and fire department personnel launched a rescue operation and rescued the two from the sea. They were rushed to the Basta community health center where doctors pronounced Kalipada dead on arrival and admitted Babudhar who was in critical condition for treatment. Medical outpost police registered a case and sent the body for post-mortem.
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What are the problems affecting those countries that made up pre-1947 India? There appear to be three important ones which...
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