Everyone begin to panic as soon as exams get near. How I can stay focus on our studies?, can I complete the syllabus?, can I cover everything before exam? Is the very questions that keep on hitting our heads.
Here we have some tips which can help you in stay focused on your goals.
- Set your goal: Whatever it be, set your goal and no matter what stick to it.
- Turn off the notifications of all the social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Whatsapp.
- Prepare a time table of your whole day and give as much as you can to your studies. It helps you to save your time and by saving your time it will give more time to do your work or studies to achieve your goals.
- Try to make use of most of the time for your work or studies. If we waste our time on some social media we will get nothing even we are going to waste our energy.
- Set your priorities, like your priorities are studies then your first priority should be studies only.