Follow these grandma’s tips to keep throat, lungs healthy amid Covid menace

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Amid Covid outbreak, people are trying their best to stay healthy. Soon we will experience the rainy season. In such a situation, it is very important to protect against throat and lung infections in the changing season. Throat and nasal issues increase during the rainy season.

In this season, you may have issues with cold, sore throat, fever and several types of infections. All these diseases are related to the throat, lungs and respiratory tract. At the same time, infection caused by coronavirus also affects the throat, lungs and respiratory systems. You need to take great care of the nose, throat and lungs to avoid expensive hospital bills and physical pain.

Today we are telling you some surefire remedies recommended by grandmothers, which you can also adopt.

Hot water– If you make a habit of drinking hot water in the morning, then it can keep you healthy for a long time. Drinking hot water kills bacteria and fungus in the throat. By drinking hot water, metabolism increases and weight reduces.

Steam– Take steam in case of sore throat or any other kind of issues pertaining to throat infection. Steam brings out the mucus accumulated in the lungs and also provides relief in cold and cough. You can also put ajwain in water while taking steam. Taking steam also clears the throat and breath.

Take deep and long breaths– A healthy body is also related to breath to a large extent. The deeper you breathe, the more oxygen will go into the body. By getting the right oxygen to the body, the lungs and other organs also work properly. Therefore, a habit of taking long deep breaths should be made. You can also take the help of yoga for breathing exercises. Do Pranayama for 15-20 minutes in the open air every day.

Household chores– One thing that everyone should understand is that the body becomes healthy not by resting but by working. To stay fit, you should workout daily. It is not necessary that you go to the gym for this. You can also stay healthy by doing household chores. Our grandmothers are still healthier than us because they have done a lot of physical labour. That’s why it is important to workout and stay active to stay healthy.

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