Follow these tips for a glowing skin this summer

beauty tips for home remedies

Summer brings along a lot of heat, dust, humidity and pollution that can take a toll on your skin and subside its natural glow. Wearing makeup gets tough owing to incessant sweating in blazing sun and even when you do, its longevity outdoor remains a big concern.

However, all these trouble don’t necessarily mean you are destined to look dull all-summer-long.

Here are a few easy tips to avoid all these hassles, and to keep your skin glowing.

Scrub regularly: Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate every minute of every day. You must get rid of them if you don’t want to look dull and dry. Irrespective of how much lotion you use, you will never have glowing skin if you don’t exfoliate the dead cells. Get a body scrub and hit the shower. Do this two times a day and every single day to keep your skin fresh.

Use sunscreen lotion:  Always go for a product that has UVA and UVB and comes in SPF 30 and SPF 70. Use generously for your body and a full teaspoon just on your face. Reapply it every 1-2 hours that you are in the sun to ensure your skin doesn’t get burnt under harsh rays.  

Choose the correct face wash:  With change in season, your face wash has to change. While in winters, a nourishing face wash is recommended, in summers, you would need a face wash that can draw out the excess oil from your facial skin. If you have dry skin, consider using a non-foaming face wash. Also, make it a point to wash your face plenty of times during the day to keep your skin clean and refreshed.

Go easy on makeup: Lesser the makeup, the better in summer. Wear minimal facial makeup to allow the skin to breathe. Humidity and heat suppress the skin’s ability to breathe and stress it out. Always avoid heavy makeup on the face. Use a tinted moisturiser, tinted lip balm, and organic kohl in summer to give your skin a break.

Keep yourself hydrated: Drink plenty of water and then some more. It is one simple trick that can’t be emphasized enough. It is the most important ingredient in healthy skin tissue that keeps your skin supple, soft, and radiant. Make it a point to carry water anywhere you go and drink a minimum of 3-5 litres a day. Water is also very crucial to flush the toxins out from the skin through sweat and urine.

Don’t forget natural remedies: While buying skincare products off the shelf comes natural to most, for those who don’t have time to go shopping or want to save some money, you can always look at your kitchen for some skincare solution. Besides, there are plenty of people who prefer natural remedy and herbal treatment over packages care products.

Common kitchen ingredients such as turmeric, gram flour, multani mitti, tomato, oatmeal, coffee grounds, grated cucumber, plain yoghurt, and sea salt can be used as skin care products in the summer as facial cleansers, toners, and moisturizers.

You can make one at home by extracting cucumber juice and mixing it with rose water and mint. Spray it on your face in the scorching heat to give your skin some relief. Also, remember to have cold-water showers during summer. This will prevent excessive drying and itching of the skin.

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