For a healthy body, consume these foods at night according to Ayurveda

For a healthy body, consume these foods at night according to Ayurveda

Pic credit: Trip Advisor

Food habits have to be taken care of to stay healthy, especially at night time. Today we will tell you according to Ayurveda what to have at night and what not. According to Ayurveda the food should include sweet, salt, acid (sour), bitter, spicy and astringent, include these 6 juices.

Let’s know which things should be consumed at night:

Do not consume yogurt: Curd should not be consumed at night. Eating curd at night can cause cough problem. According to Ayurveda, the consumption of curd at night is not good as it leads to mucus formation. You can eat buttermilk instead of curd at night.

Low fat milk: Low fat milk should always be consumed at night. Keep in mind that the milk should be consumed only after boiling it properly and do not consume cold milk. Hot and low-fat milk is easily digested.

Do these things in the dinner: Use only those spices at night which are beneficial for health. Dinner can include cinnamon, fennel, fenugreek and cardamom.

Eat protein foods at night: Protein-rich food should be taken at night time. You can include lentils, green vegetables in dinner. Eat light and healthy food at night.

Reduce food at night: Overeating should be avoided at night. Especially people whose weight is increasing continuously, they should avoid eating more food during night time.



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