Viksit Odisha @2036

Forester found hanging in government quarters

Bhawanipatna: A forester was found hanging in his government quarters located here in Kalahandi district Wednesday morning. The deceased forester identified as Sanjay Nayak, 33, a native of Shundisahi in Rayagada district, was serving at the High-Tech Silviculture Nursery at Jaring in Junagarh block. He also held the additional responsibility of the Range Officer in charge of the Silviculture Office in Bhawanipatna. It was learnt that he was transferred to Bolangir district three days back.

Upon receiving information, Bhawanipatna Town police arrived at the scene, seized the body, and sent it to the local hospital for postmortem. After the procedure, the body was handed over to the family members. Meanwhile, the deceased forester’s brother Rabi Narayan has lodged a written complaint at the Town police station here levelling charges of mental harassment against Debendra Behera, the Divisional Forest Officer (Research Wing) of Rayagada, and holding him responsible for his brother’s death. According to the complaint, Behera constantly harassed Sanjay and demanded bribes, threatening Nayak with suspension or dismissal if his demands were not met.

Also Read: Forest officials tranquilise, fix radio collar on elephant

A suicide note which was found near the deceased’s body also indicated the same. Rabi Narayan in his complaint alleged that Behera was the culprit behind Sanjay’s suicide and urged the police administration to take appropriate action against him. Meanwhile, Kalahandi SP Abhilash G has reportedly directed the Town PS IIC to investigate the matter and take action against the guilty party.

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