Keonjhar: Good friends are hard to find but harder to keep. As the story of Krishna and Sudama teaches us, an eternal bond of friendship transcends barriers of caste, creed or social status.
If that story is a legend, in real life too, we can find such friendship at Ajanata daily market of Keonjhar town. Laximidhar Nayak and Butu Nayak have been tea sellers for two decades.
Laximi-Butu jodi is known for their tea stall, one of the most famous in the town and teeming with customers day and night. The duo’s good behaviour is the secret behind the stall’s popularity. According to one of the customers, ‘The tea may be ordinary, but the stall is very special”.
But the story of Laxmi and Butu is different. The two are not from one village. Their earlier profession was also different. But it is the destiny which has tied the two in the bond of friendship.
Laxmidhar is a resident of Mishramal village under Harichandanpur block. Due to the fear of studies, he had left his house at the age of ten and started working at several hotels. He had gone to Assam to work but after six months he returned to Odisha. Then he decided to open a tea stall at Ajanta market.
During a hotel job, Laxmidhar had met Butu, who was working at a lodge. And, they became friends and their friendship grew into business partnership.
The two used to run the shop on turns. For seven days, Laxmidhar runs the shop and vice-versa. The profit is divided between the two. There are no differences between Laxmi and Butu till now. They are confident about their friendship and run the tea stall. However, due to lack of money it is impossible for them to run a permanent tea shop. But they have set an example to others that if there is a true bond of friendship, small businesses can be established and run in partnership.