Viksit Odisha @2036

Goddess Lakshmi will bless you with more wealth if you give up these bad habits

Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and if you really want to attract Maa Lakshmi to your home, you need to know a few things that she does not like and you should avoid that.

Lakshmi Maa is known to be very unstable by her nature; she tends to leave and switch one place to another where she finds herself more comfortable. Therefore it is very important to keep her happy. It is believed if goddess Lakshmi doesn’t stay with you or in your house, then poverty strikes the family.

Wealth doesn’t come our way due to various reasons. It is believed that due to some of our bad habits, goddess Lakshmi becomes angry. So we should give up those habits to make her happy.

Read below to know your habits that might annoy Goddess Lakshmi:

Goddess Lakshmi loves clean and tidy place. Lakshmi never dwells in those who have dirty house. Therefore, we should keep our house clean as well as the surroundings. It is also necessary to clean the mind along with the body. Therefore, you should not have any kind of hatred towards others.

Women are considered as the form Goddess Lakshmi. So, those who insult their parents or elders, poor or gurus, Lakshmi gets angry with them and there is always a shortage of food and money in their house.

Many times we make some mistakes during puja, due to which we may suffer loss. While preparing for puja, be careful not to place any Puja materials on the ground. Some people do not pay attention to this, and by mistake they put some items on the ground and offer the same to God. But it should be avoid and should placed the material in the plate.

Some people come from outside and enter the house directly. They do not wash their hands and feet and start eating something directly or sit on the bed couch etc. But doing this is considered bad both from religious and Vastu point of view. It is also harmful for health. Therefore, by entering the house, first of all the hands and feet should be cleaned. In this way, the impurity, negative energy and dirt from outside will be removed.


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