Gorillas posing for a selfie is the best thing you will see in the Internet today

Gorillas posing for a selfie will prove you wrong that only human beings know to click selfies. Just take a look at these Gorillas striking a pose like pros for a selfie.

A picture of a ranger clicking a selfie with the gorillas at the Congo National Park is all the rage on the internet.

“Another day at the office,” an anti-poaching ranger captioned this charming Facebook selfie from the Virunga National Park in Congo.

Ranger Mathiew Shamavu snapped this heartwarming shot of his upright but chill gorilla pals Thursday, and by Saturday night, more than 17,000 had liked it.


“Simply stunning photo,” one response read. “Thank you for sharing & proving we can all live peacefully together.”

As relaxed as his “office” job may seem from the photo, Shamavu and his human colleagues risk their lives each day protecting the park’s wildlife from poachers, including the endangered mountain gorillas.

A third of the world’s mountain gorillas live in the Eastern Congo region, the refuge website says.

“The species has made steady population growth,” the website touted at the end of 2018.

“We are proud to say that Virunga welcomed 11 new mountain gorilla births this year alone.”

For one successful initiative, local farmers are encouraged to plant bamboo as “gorilla friendly buffer zones,” the website said.

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