Govt aid can help reduce cost of treatment in private hospitals: Ashwini Hospital

Subrat Kumar Jena, Chairman-Founder of Ashwini Hospital

The importance of healthcare delivery did not receive larger attention as they have in the recent months courtesy the pandemic. Although both government and private hospitals worked overtime to face the challenges, the latter’s contribution in terms of delivering critical healthcare was more in notice. Ashwini Hospital, a top of the drawer private hospital in the state, has received lots of accolades because of its reliable healthcare services. Subrat Kumar Jena, Chairman-Founder of Ashwini Hospital, shares with Orissa POST the 15-year journey of the hospital. Excerpts of an interview.

How challenging was the journey of Ashwini Hospital?

We just celebrated 15 years of our hospital. The journey was challenging and satisfactory at the same time for us. We had commenced with 50 beds and three departments but now it has reached 350 beds. We have set up medical headquarters, Ashwini Trauma Centre and Aditya Ashwini Hospital, Ashwini Nursing School and College under  Ashwini Hospital group. We offer health check-ups, primary treatment and also tertiary treatment under this group.

What are the healthcare facilities available here?

Ashwini Hospital is well-known as a multi specialty hospital. Every kind of treatments is available here. We have now neurology department, a department for cardiology, trauma care, pulmonary and critical care services. We recently received the Covid Hospital Centre of Excellence award for being active in Covid patient treatment.

Treatment cost is getting higher in private hospital. What is your opinion?

It is natural that treatment cost is high in private hospitals compared to government hospitals. The hospital authorities are investing more in providing better treatment facility. Health services in private hospital can be affordable if government offers a discount or offer. Three prime hospitals of Ashwini Hospital have implemented ESI, CGHS and BSKY under which the poor and the middle class get free treatment.

Any support from the state government?

Without help and support of the state government, no organizations can grow. We offer free treatment for cleft lip surgery, free treatment for accident victims for 48 hours, Covid related treatments are being offered in our hospital. If government supports costly treatment and emergency cases, we would deliver more services.

What were the initiatives of Ashwini Hospital during the pandemic

There are two dedicated Covid hospitals working for the people under the state government. We have handled 4,500 complicated Covid patients. WHO and UNESCO have appreciated our work during the pandemic. We have executed our capability to deliver our health services in emergency.

The plans of Ashwini Hospital

Considering the increasing number of cases of respiratory problems, we have established   Ashwini Lungs Institute in Bhubaneswar. Respiratory disease is third life threatening problem in our country. So, this institute is dedicated to observe and treat all kinds of respiratory diseases. All experienced doctors are available to offer health services.

The pandemic taught us a lesson. How can we be prepared to face such challenges in future?

Cleanliness, social distance, hand wash, wearing mask are several precautions that can help us to avoid critical diseases. We learnt it from this pandemic. We health service providers and governments have to take initiatives to face such challenges.

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