BHUBANESWAR: “Developer Student Club – Powered by Google Developers” organised a flutter workshop to build native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase at Patia here Sunday.
Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia.
Lead, DSC Manzar Hasnain said, “We are almost two decades out in the 21st century. Cell phone is the most dominant mode of communication. While making waves in the tech searching department, we will collide with something related to smartphones and how they are now better than prior computational hardware.”
This is the reason why almost everyone starting from college grads to corporate gurus are building apps to work with. But the problem of multiple platforms has always caused a lot of havoc. Businesses need to develop apps separately for different platforms, especially when there are two big mobile OSes, iOS and Android, who don’t go hand in hand.
We at DSC have the mission to help the community with technology. Being one of India’s 172 DSCs, we took the stage today at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar to help students learn about Flutter, using which people can publish apps on both iOS and Android platforms from the same codebase.
“Like our previous workshops, we had a full-house event today as well. We started with understanding how Flutter is helping developers do their job easily. We had a focus on kickstarting the event with Flutter 101 and then forwarding with hands-on experience. Attendees had a very interactive session in the beginning with a Q/A to start off with,” said a member of the group.
The session further went on to discuss the various concepts of the Dart language and Map data structures. Overall, attendees got an overview of how to make an Android Studio app and run it on their own Android Devices with a USB cable. The whole process of making a new product on an awesome new platform was really intuitive and fun.