Handicapped family struggles to get govt aid

The plight of polio victim to back his kin including physically challenged twin sons makes a mockery of welfare programmes

Kendrapara: The state government has been striving to bring physically disabled persons into mainstream by enlisting them in several government-sponsored programmes and projects.
But, for Susant Das of Baligotha village under Ayeba gram panchayat, it has become a daunting task to get help and to enrol his name in the government-sponsored projects.
Polio has disabled Susant when he was a child. Though his family members had got him treated later, he failed to recover. Just to earn his livelihood — and to help his family — he started doing menial jobs at a tea stall in the town area. He is the father of three children, including one daughter and physically challenged twin boys.
While one of his sons Sagar Das (6) is mute and can’t stand on his feet, another son Satya Das (6) too can’t walk properly or move speedily. Though Susant got his twin sons treated at Kendrapara and other private hospitals outside the district, the treatment could not go for long as he is extremely poor.
“With the limited earnings, I face lots of problems to feed my five- member family every day. How could I get proper medical treatment for my children? The doctor told me to provide protein and calcium to my twins along with physiotherapy.
“Though I have been collecting subsidised food grains under NFSA ration card and also getting pension, the government sponsored projects have become a day dream for me,” Susant said. His wifeSunita Das butted in, “We have been staying in a ramshackle thatched house and couldn’t repair the roof because of money. Though my husband applied for a pucca house under the housing scheme, we haven’t got it.”
Several times, they have knocked the doors of the sarpanch, BDO of Kendrapara and met the district collector, but every time they have got only lip service from the district administration. “We have moved from pillar to post to get a pucca house under government sponsored housing scheme, but to no avail. As a result, we were forced to spend life in the ramshackle thatched house and during rainy days, we have to move from one place to another inside the house to save ourselves from getting wet,” said Sunita.
Even though Susant has applied for the handicapped pension for his twin sons with the help of local sarpanch at Kendrapara block office, it hasn’t come through.
When contacted, Gagan Sahu, the sarpanch of Ayeba gram panchayat, stated that as Susant’s name was not in the priority list to avail pucca house as per the system, it has become a difficult task to provide a pucca house for him. If the district or block administration directs the sarpanch, he would take steps accordingly to provide Susant a pucca house under the scheme. However, steps have been taken to provide his sons handicapped certificates for enrolling their names in physically handicapped pension list.
When contacted, District Social Security Officer, Pravas Chandra Das, said he would take steps to provide handicapped pension to Susant’s sons after an inquiry by the Block Social Security officer. Even free treatment would be provided to them under Rasthriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) under National Health Mission.
As per government guidelines, there is four percent reservation for the disabled in social security and poverty alleviation scheme. Chandra Das said he would bring to the notice of the district collector the plight of Susant if he has not been enrolled in the housing scheme earlier.

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