Here furniture is made without hacking tress; Know how…

Here furniture is made without hacking tress; Know how…

“It is better to grow plants in the shape of furniture than to cut a 50 years old tree for furniture,’’ says Gavin and Alice Munro, a husband and wife residing in England. This couple has been growing plants in the shape of furniture for years now. According to media reports, till now they have grown 50 tables, 100 lamps and 250 chairs.

In 2006, Gavin began the experiment and started growing plants in the shape of chair. Later, he became obsessed with this.

In 2012, Gavin married Alice and then opened a company together and turned his idea into a business. However, in the first attempt, crop was destroyed by cows and rabbits.

Gavin explains that he had the idea of ​​growing a furniture-shaped plant when he saw a bonsai plant that looked exactly like a chair.

It takes a lot of time to make plants like furniture. For this, the branches of plants have to bend in the same way as furniture. Gavin and Alice are now specialists in it.

According to Gavin, a chair cost eight lakh rupees, table costs Rs 11 lakh, while a lamp is sold for 80 thousand rupees.

They also said that it takes 6-9 months to make a chair, while it also takes the same time to dry. Only then it is ready for sale. The furniture which is being made now can only be sold in 2030. It is a chair for a customer’s retirement.


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