Viksit Odisha @2036

Here you have to plant 10 trees to graduate from college

Here you have to plant 10 trees to graduate from college

The number of trees and plants in the world is continuously decreasing. However, various measures are being taken to tackle this problem. You may be surprised to know that there is a country where a law has been made that a student has to plant at least 10 trees to graduate.

The name of the country is the Philipines.

The law of the Philippines has been implemented because the total forest cover of the country has dropped from 70 per cent to 20 per cent due to heavy deforestation.

Under this law, the government has set a target of planting more than 175 million trees to be planted each year.

It is compulsory for students to plant at least 10 trees to get their bachelor’s degree.

This law has been named ‘Graduation Legacy For the Environment Act’ and it will be also applicable to colleges, primary level schools and high school students.

The government has also chosen the area where the trees will be planted. Selected areas include the areas of the Mangrove forest area, Ancestral domains, Civil and military reservations urban areas.

This new Filipino law will bring more awareness about the environment for future generations and pave the way for better ecological initiatives.



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