Hope 1j


Finally, 2015 has arrived with new hopes and expectations. Will the new year be happy and prosperous for all of us??We look forward to a better future but are unsure what’s in store for us. OrissaPOST speaks to women about their dreams and aspirations at the beginning of a new year

“2014 was a great year for me and I am expecting a more fruitful 2015. I see this year as an opportunity to make a fresh start. As a parent, I hope to instill tolerance, compassion and good principles among our children. I would rather see myself getting involved in social and religious work, as these two are the main things in my to-do-list. And one thing I would like to do this year is to regain the habits which I earlier used to have — mainly reading novels. So these are my hopes and aspirations for this year,” said Dibya Jyoti Giri, a housewife.
Smaranika Panda, a teacher said, “Yet another year has come with a lot of hopes and promises. As teachers, we should allow kids to explore the vast expanses of creativity inside their little heads, instead of murdering their talent and zeal. Rather than having them parrot answers to the questions at the end of chapters in textbooks, I would love to instill in them the love of knowledge, passion for life and a sense of the value of hard work.”
“2014 was a year of mixed feelings for me. So looking forward to 2015 I hope it gives lots of hope and optimism to those who wish to do something good for their communities. Personally, I am keen on seeing a peaceful and prosperous world around,” she added.
Mamata Rani Patnaik, principal of Bachpan Play School, Bhawanipatna, said, “Each year comes with its share of events. But sometimes we have plans and aspirations we would like to accomplish in the following year. I hope to see a stronger and responsible society emerge in the new year in which people stand together to help each other. I wish to see our women in safer and stronger positions whether it be at home or work. They should be safe on our roads and not be in constant fear of being attacked, and go out to work and study safely.”
She added, “The year 2014 was good for me and I enjoyed a lot; I hope this year brings many surprises for each one of us. This new year let our students pursue excellence in whatever their areas of interests are. We need to inculcate the value of hard work among our children. And that can be achieved only by giving more importance to struggle and interpreting success as a byproduct. Being the principal of our school it’s the reponsibility of the teachers to shape the future of our nation. They need to be passionate and inspirational. They should always act as a source of encouragement.”

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