Viksit Odisha @2036

Horoscope 20 September: Aquarius will get success on platter today while Cancer will make others happy


Aries: If your heart wishes to be alone, honour the mood. No friends, no music. Drive away and connect to nature if you must. There is a bit of money jingling in if you’re dealing with finances, says Ganesha.

Taurus: This day your energy levels are likely to be below par. You may tend to be restless, inactive, and averse to exerting yourself in any way. Routine tasks, even the important ones could remain unattended. But, says Ganesha, you will try to pull yourself together later in the day and make amends by trying to do something meaningful. Towards this end, success will smile upon you.

Gemini: You will feel joy and happiness today, says Ganesha. However, you need to be careful not to lack in co-operating with and supporting others in their endeavours. You need to look beyond fulfilling your own needs and wants and help others achieve their goals.

Cancer: You will spend the whole day in domestic matters and feel the burden of responsibilities, too. By evening, you will influence near ones by giving them special attention; you will also make others happy, says Ganesha.

Leo: You will be in the mood to assist others, however you may not be able to succeed in your endeavour. The later half of the day will see your doubts melt away and the picture will become much clearer. You will need to work hard to attain desired results today, says Ganesha.

Virgo: Ganesha predicts that partnership agreements and monetary matters will take up most of your day because business and work are at the top of your priority list. You will have to encounter competition and jealousy at different levels today. In extremely competitive business matters, you have bright chances of success in the evening.

Also Read: Weekly horoscope September 16-22

Libra: Ganesha says you shall have good news in the family regarding the progress of your children. You will present them with valuable gifts and will appreciate their efficiency. Due to no reason, in the afternoon you will experience a feeling of sadness. Ganeshji advises you not to take small things on your mind.

Scorpio: Lots of work and less time may make things difficult for you today. This may disappoint you, and you may feel agitated and irritated. But, after all, what are friends for? Call them, talk to them and they may be the best counsellors. Go for a walk to take a break from a boring routine.

Sagittarius: Family and friends take a back seat today as your inclination and faith in spirituality grows stronger. You may come across a few unavoidable expenses, foresees Ganesha. In the evening, you may plan to visit a holy place or a temple to seek spiritual peace.

Capricorn: Personally as well as professionally, you’ll have the best of both worlds today, assures Ganesha. Some unexpected turn of events will keep you charged up. As the day progresses, you will come across more and more such events that will keep you in a happy mood.

Aquarius: You will get success on the platter today. Enjoy the sweet taste of success, says Ganesha. People around you will be pleasantly surprised to see a different side of your personality. Continue to be like this and have a good time while luck favours you, as every day is not the same say.

Pisces: A day of hectic socialising awaits you, not that you mind it. But you may also catch yourself wishing for some time alone for yourself, says Ganesha. The evening will probably see you deck up and head for a happening party, with lots of members of the opposite sex to woo.

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