Horoscope and astrology forecast for February 20, Monday: Check predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and other signs


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Looking to discover what’s in store for the day? Want to know if she’ll say yes to your proposal, if you should invest in a business opportunity, or if you’ll be able to purchase your dream home? Check out the horoscopes and astrology forecasts available for all zodiac signs.

Aries: Today, you may be stumped by some mysterious and wonderful event. That, or you may encounter an unexpected yet advantageous incident. It may not exactly be path-breaking, but it is sure to make you take stock of things. Also, you may find it difficult to meet deadlines today. Nevertheless, let people know how important your work is, says Ganesha.

Taurus: Hoist the sails and prepare to leave port. Your sugar-coated words will seal business deals with ease, predicts Ganesha. The activity and action may slow down as the day progresses. Resist the urge to get sentimental as it could lead to conflicts that will haunt you in the days to come, warns Ganesha.

Gemini: You will tend to be religiously inclined today, feels Ganesha. For this purpose, you may spend some time visiting a temple, mosque or church. You are also likely to go shopping, and chances are that this too is for a religious purpose. May God bless you, says Ganesha.

Cancer: Today, you will be at the centre of all your plans. Your responsibilities at home are likely to be unnecessary digressions for you, with your help-yourself-only attitude. However, you may feel that you are not getting enough returns of your hard work. Ganesha advises you to become more responsible at home, and your family’s love and affection will make up for the insufficient returns.

Leo: If you are wondering whether you’ll get the carrot or the stick today, then Ganesha has some good news for you: the day promises to bring only rewards for you. This will be especially true for your workplace, where your innate talents get recognised today. Expect positive support from your colleagues, and oodles of inspiring tips from your superiors. Just be careful not to get carried away by your success. What goes up must come down, cautions Ganesha.

Virgo: A sudden bend in the journey of life is important to understand it better, says Ganesha. Excellence will drone on throughout the day today. Top on the list are money matters and your loved ones – not necessarily in that order! Much of your time may be spent in appeasing the Gods.

Libra: Get a bigger wallet, since it is very likely that today shall prove to be a money-making day for you. It might be through some sort of a partnership deal that this may happen, predicts Ganesha. Destiny lends you a helping hand and guides you in your goals. But it is your sentiments that may darken your thoughts today. Don’t stress yourself out too much, and try and keep your expectations under control. The hen that laid the golden eggs laid only one egg a day!

Scorpio: Two words will define your day — eloquence and elegance. Sweet talk and compliments may take you a long way, but do not become complacent and get carried away with your success. Sometimes, saying the right thing may be more beneficial than saying what the other person wants to hear. Communicate carefully, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius: Friendship with a few like-minded people is likely to develop today. You shall spend a large share of your time discussing issues like attitude, beliefs and values. Those with you will enjoy sharing their ideas and opinions, and casting them in a new mould.

Capricorn: Paradise is where patience leads you, success is the other terminus, says Ganesha. Keeping your cool will benefit you in more ways than you would have imagined, so think twice before you unleash your vengeance on your foes. You are also likely to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your beloved and make him/her feel wanted. Colleagues will appreciate the amiable and amusing side of you.

Aquarius: Today, you will understand the value of your job. You decide to do away with everything that has been hampering your work till now. You realise you need to set some long-term goals in your career. Grab the opportunity while the intention lasts, says Ganesha.

Pisces: Your inherent talents, competitive colleagues and supportive superiors will spur you on to great heights at the workplace, beginning today. Make sure that you do not get carried away by little victories, says Ganesha. There is many a slip between the cup and the lip!


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