Horoscope April 20, Thursday: Check predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and other signs

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Looking to discover what’s in store for the day? Want to know if she’ll say yes to your proposal if you should invest in a business opportunity, or if you’ll be able to purchase your dream home? Check out the horoscopes and astrology forecasts available for all zodiac signs.

Aries: If you are aiming to marry soon, you can start making preparations today. However, before you take the final decision, it would be better to look at both sides of the coin, advises Ganesha. Activities related to such an alliance will dominate today, and by the end of the day you may feel very elated.

Taurus: This is one of those dreadful days when you could be unduly touchy and short tempered, fears Ganesha. Don’t go around getting into fights and quarrels with anyone who seems unfriendly or ill mannered. You will only end up in spoiling some healthy relationships. Your moods are likely change from moment to moment. An ugly row with your spouse cannot be ruled out. Do not endanger your married life. Be firm with yourself and keep your irritability under full control.

Gemini: It will not be hard for you to complete your tasks succesfully and without any delays or obstacles in your path, only if you first seek to fully understand and acquire the learning required to eprform it. The fruits of your labour will keep you happy and satisfied, says Ganesha.

Cancer: Dame Luck will patronise you today. You will gain from land, house or building trade. You will get total support and co-operation from bosses and colleagues in the office. Ganesha indicates it as a very profitable day for you.

Leo: You will be very emotional and sentimental today. Your ego prevents you from expressing your true feelings at times. You need to keep this in mind when attempting to communicate with your beloved. It is a good day for romance, and for those seeking love, says Ganesha.

Virgo: Ganesha foretells that you will start off on a long, arduous path to success. Some tough work will play a vital role in your progress. Don’t cut corners, and your labours will pay rich dividends and you will reap due rewards. Some opportunities are best left alone as they involve too much risk.

Libra: Lady Luck smiles on you today. With all the good fortune on your side, it’s assured to be a day when financial gains come your way, especially if you are in the banking business. Agreed everything is going your way today, but be careful not to let your emotions cloud your reasoning and slow you down. Don your rational hat and lower your expectations a little. It never hurts to want less, especially since it is saves you from disappointments later on, advises Ganesha.

Scorpio: There are strong indications that today you will be receptive and sensitive towards the needs of other people. Negative vibes will disrupt your thinking, and you will rely on the company of close friends to keep you in good cheer. Do not succumb to the pessimism that might cloud your thought today as it is only a passing phase, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius: The rewards of hard labour will be sweet, so start off by unwinding with some fun today. Ganesha sees quality time being spent with friends and family. All in all, a fun day.

Capricorn: Despite repeated failures, very few realise that the key to success is in having the patience of a saint. Vexation invariably leads to an outburst which, in turn, can ruin your reputation and future prospects in innumerable ways. Today, Ganesha advises you to keep your calm and smile back even if faced with an adverse situation. Doing as directed may help you overcome troubles and take the right decisions.

Aquarius: Be sure of your strengths and decisions, and Ganesha guarantees you success. You don’t care what others think about you, but don’t be so indifferent that you ignore their choices, preferences and comforts completely. The smile of you sweetheart will work like a charm and you will forget all your worries, feels Ganesha.

Pisces: Ganesha warns that your expenses could be twice as much as your income or profit. You need to be more careful in money matters. It is not an auspicious day for any new work, new deal or any new beginnings. Ganesha indicates that things will look up after two days or so.

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