Horoscope February 08: Libra’s business will progress, Sagittarius will spend quality time with loved ones



Aries: Believe it, life is good sometimes; today is one such day. Things will not be hectic, even though you remain occupied, both at work and in your personal life. With no troubles brewing, what more can you ask for? Perhaps, Ganesha is trying to impart the crucial lesson of contentment.

Taurus: The three Es will rule your mood throughout the day: energy, exuberance, and excitement. Such enthusiasm is always contagious and near and dear ones will be charmed by it. Things will get better as the day progresses. Take a break from work to relax and recharge if you feel weary, says Ganesha.

Gemini: There are strong indications that you will find it easy to assume a leadership role and set the agenda at work today, says Ganesha. In the afternoon, you will be busy looking for an expensive gift for someone very important to you. You may not be able to find the right gift, but that is only because you want it to be really special. By evening, your focus will shift back to your professional goals.

Cancer: Today, you are likely to address all problems with a human touch, predicts Ganesha. You are likely to play Agony Aunt to one and all. But for that, you will have to learn to leave your problems at the workplace. In relationships, you need to open up to your near and dear ones.

Leo: Something piques the demon within you today, says Ganesha, making you emotional and zealous. But then, we must all wage a war against our demons every time they rear their ugly heads. Ganesha foresees you emerging victorious in this battle today and regaining your happy-go-lucky attitude in the latter part of the day. As for work, it is your expertise that will come in handy. And if you happen to be a public servant, then rest assured that your deeds shall have inspiring results.

Virgo: Helping your colleagues will bring loads of goodwill. Your superiors will be superiorly happy with your work. Interaction with friends will be special. Revel in the company of your loved one, says Ganesha.

Libra: It’s all about family today. In fact, the bigger the better since Ganesha foresees it is quite likely that both close and distant relatives will fill your heart with glee today. It might be some good news worthy of raising a toast to. However, you might be doubtful about getting along with your peers at work. But rest assured, in all probability your business will make satisfying progress at the end of the day. All’s well that ends well!

Scorpio: Today, you are likely to make a fine show of your knack for organising things, predicts Ganesha. At the workplace, you will develop a special liking for your job. Later in the day, you may find lasting solutions to pending problems. Take the trouble to research any decisions you make so that you are liable to make well-informed decisions about your future.

Sagittarius: Work while you work and play while you play, says Ganesha. On the professional front, you will outclass your rivals with sheer brilliance, leaving them flabbergasted and intimidated. On the personal front, you may spend quality time with loved ones or spend your evening being chased by the spotlight of a party.

Capricorn: You will settle for nothing less than excellence in whatever work you choose to take up, says Ganesha. Working extra hours may leave you a little exhausted in the afternoon. Here’s the remedy: delegate work to those around you and see that they meet your high standards.

Aquarius: The explorer that you are, today your restlessness will get the better of you! Your plans will finally take off, whether it is a new entrepreneurial or educational course or a trip to your home town. It’s a promising day, says Ganesha, and you never know what you may find!

Pisces: There is a lot of brain-racking in store for you today, as you try to conjure up ways to convert your extraordinary brilliance into exceptional performance. Keeping in mind that your family is the foundation of your success could provide some vital insights, says Ganesha.

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