Horoscope February 16, Thursday: Check predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and other signs   

Pic Credit: The Spinoff

Are you interested in learning more about the day’s events? Will she agree to marry you? Should you ultimately accept a business opportunity to invest? Will you be able to buy the home of your dreams? Will today be a pleasant day? Here are the horoscopes and astrology forecasts for all zodiac signs.

Aries: Today, you may want to wear your power suit, says Ganesha. If you notice people bending and bowing a bit, understand that your hard work has paid off! If not, then you need to get more organised. Either way, there’s work to be done.

Taurus: This is not a day when you should be fooling around with your health. Do not take your health and fitness for granted, warns Ganesha You will be feeling lazy and listless all day long. Chances are that you could fall ill on account of carelessness. Both physical exertions, as well as mental stress, should b meticulously avoided. From sunset onwards, you can rest easy. The period of care and caution will have passed.

Gemini: An auspicious and progressive day awaits you. Along with your daily work, you will also be able to tackle your personal issues as well. You will establish an emotional bonding with some person, or will feel the need to. It is a good day to ponder over issues such as partnership or marriage. It is a profitable day to sell anything, says Ganesha.

Cancer: Be ready to get into the shoes of a juggler today, says Ganesha. Multi-tasking is the need of the hour, my friend! But, no worries for you will be energetic and deft. The pending pile of work will be finished with ease. Seemingly impossible tasks will be finished in a blink of an eye. Just snap your fingers, and given today’s generous stars, you can be rest assured to get a helping hand, provided that you ask.

Leo: You will be in a very good mood today. You will inspire others to achieve substantial things in life. While you have been looking to take on an extremely challenging project, you have been unable to find the right opening so far. You ought to start such projects today, says Ganesha. The obstacles in your way will fade away on their own and you will be easily able to find the path to success.

Virgo: Your driving force will be a single-minded desire to take your destiny in your own hands. Your organisational abilities will be flawless, and a burning desire to succeed will motivate you to keep pegging at your tasks. Ganesha says your managerial abilities will be enhanced by your decision-making and reasoning abilities.

Libra: Ganesha says that you will be able to spend more time with your friend circle. You will be attracted to someone of the opposite sex. In the evening today, you will be able to take out your beloved for a romantic evening combined with a drive and dinner at a restaurant.

Scorpio: A happening day where a lot may happen today, suggests Ganesha. Grey hairs will teach valuable lessons, so keep your ears open to bosses and elders. Seniors will extend their best possible cooperation to you. Stay clear of courtrooms, warns Ganesha, lest the legalities sink you deep.

Sagittarius: A paradigm shift in your temperament and your looks is on the cards today. Your personality will get better as you don some chic attire, jewellery, and a rather loud perfume today. You’re a magnet today, says Ganesha, and will charm your way through a crowd of admirers who will clamour for your attention.

Capricorn: Your investments, inheritance, receipts, etc. will keep your packets filled with cash. No sooner you try to put them in a safe; there will be more than one reason for some expenditure. Keeping a watch on incomes and expenses both will help you avoid any monetary problems, advises Ganesha. Your maturity, practicality, and experience will come to your rescue today. Also, you may have to work your socks off today, but eventually, all the hard work will be paid off.

Aquarius: You are ambitious and quite unapologetic about the way you pursue your goals! You will work hard and push your way through if you have to. Not just that, but you will see to it that you have all the skills and competency required to make it big. Success is never served on a plate, and you know it, says Ganesha.

Pisces: For those in the creative, marketing, or advertising fields, today will likely bring about an important milestone on their path to progress, says Ganesha. Your creativity and ingenuity will be at their peak. Remembering that confidence is the key to success will keep you from shying away from challenges, which when surmounted will bring you substantial gains.

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