Horoscope for February 27, Monday: Check predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and other signs



Looking to discover what’s in store for the day? Want to know if she’ll say yes to your proposal, if you should invest in a business opportunity, or if you’ll be able to purchase your dream home? Check out the horoscopes and astrology forecasts available for all zodiac signs.

Aries: You will desire absolute freedom in whatever you do today. A lot of entertainment is on the cards for teenagers, like window shopping or going to a movie. Kids may demand a treat from you. Generally, family affairs dominate today.

Taurus: You will wake up feeling determined and decisive today, says Ganesha. Be careful as your rigid views may make you seem stubborn. You may not be willing to come halfway during a conflict and will make a habit of articulating your viewpoint. Tension at the workplace will eat through most of your time today, feels Ganesha.

Gemini: You will feel blue and out of sorts today. You will feel that you are all alone in the world, emotionally. Your repressed desires and your philosophical streak will come to the fore today and will influence your dark mood, says Ganesha.

Cancer: With Ganesha’s grace, whatever you think or peruse will be successful. Students will excel and finish pending work. You can display your imagination excellently. In short, a day of happiness and variety.

Leo: Most of your time will be spent at the workplace. You will excel in all your tasks today. Professional relationships will be marked by cooperation. You will have cordial relations with your colleagues. It is an auspicious and progressive day for business, says Ganesha.

Virgo: Avoid all kinds of prejudice and do not allow intolerance to enter your mind today, advises Ganesha. In all likelihood, you will look around yourself in search of love and affection. You will do well to keep negativity at bay as otherwise, it may cow you down. Ganesha suggests that you marshal all your courage to live as per your convictions.

Libra: Ganesha says those of you who are married or in love will experience a good time today. As you spend more time with your life partner by going out for a drive or for dinner, you will come closer to them. Today is a day full of joy, vigor, and happiness for you.

Scorpio: Being a workaholic may divert your attention from your family and you may have to bear the consequences. It’s time to sort out differences with your spouse. But, all this while, you need to be calm and patient. Watch your words in case of any arguments, warns Ganesha.

Sagittarius: It’s time for invitations and grooving all night long. And even eat like a glutton. But, for a change, you are not in the mood to party, though it is unlike you. You reject the idea of socialising and hitting the dance floor. And your friends do not like your changed avatar, says Ganesha.

Capricorn: Though less, you will get money from your investments and other resources. Don’t ignore pending projects; complete them at the earliest so that you will have a clear picture of your requirements and responsibilities, advises Ganesha. Once you are done with them, you will enjoy happy times with your friends and family in the evening.

Aquarius: Meeting people from different walks of life, having a good conversation with them, and widening the horizon of your knowledge – this will be the highlight of today for you. At work, you will have a busy day with plenty of meetings, discussions, planning, and execution, feels Ganesha. You will fully utilize your energies, but it may also leave you exhausted.

Pisces: Today you will get attention from the opposite sex and this will play an important role in your success in the near future. Due to the favorable alignment of the planets, you will receive more than your expectations. Ganesha feels that even though you are a calculative and cautious person, you will tend to be aggressive, outgoing, and willing to take risks today. This could also translate in you trying your luck in uncertain fields like gambling, stocks, or betting.

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