Horoscope January 24: Pisces likely to see a surge in profits, plans of Aquarians will turn into reality



Aries: Today will be a difficult day full of action. You may not agree with your friends about trifling matters, but you will love it. You will complete all work that has been pending, which will give you relief. Ganesha says it is an optimistic day.

Taurus: Be careful, says Ganesha. All your calculations and conclusions, plans, and moves are likely to go haywire. Time and again, you could fail and, ultimately, get frustrated. Even simple and obvious things are likely to get you worked up. Knowing that you are gentle, benign, and large-hearted, your friends and elders will rally around and help you and advise you. Things will finally get sorted out.

Gemini: You know where you are headed, and will redouble your efforts to reach your goals today. You are full of energy and enthusiasm, which helps you to achieve all your targets. You will receive unexpected gains owing to your hard work. Bountiful success will be yours at the end of a hard day’s labour, says Ganesha.

Cancer: Sentimentalism will hinder your path to success. So, says Ganesha, give up too much sentimentalism. It can be quite a hazard in the future. You will win over people with the force of speech and a polite approach.

Leo: You will be able to influence people with your cooperative and accommodating attitude today. You will have discussions on various topics with people who come into contact with you. You will also come into contact with people who share the same mental wavelength as you do, says Ganesha.

Virgo: Today you may understand the utter uselessness of your dogged efforts and feel extremely anxious about success eluding you constantly. However, Ganesha advises you not to lose hope, but to re-energise your mind, give a boost to your curiosity, and pay attention to long-term goals.

Libra: Ganesha says that today you will get worried over petty matters and be tense. To get mental peace keep yourself occupied with religious or spiritual activity. Along with that if you go to some religious place you will gain mental peace, which will stay with you for a long time.

Scorpio: You may be in a mood to build castles in the air today, says Ganesha. You may be caught up in a whirlpool of thoughts and nostalgia. However, you will soon realise that the time once gone, never comes back and so, you make up for the lost time by beginning the new chapter of your life from today itself.

Sagittarius: You rule your heart today, predicts Ganesha. You are likely to become an expert in reading people’s minds. Everything is fair in love and war, is what you believe! Win over your sweetheart and set out on a journey toward a destination unknown, says Ganesha.

Capricorn: You are busy as a beaver. It is extremely difficult for you to think for yourself as you are all tied up by the demands of your work. You want to be creative, but again, the workload will not let you have that freedom, says Ganesha. You have learned the art of time management. So, you have properly lined up your priorities and success is waiting for you.

Aquarius: You will hit the bull’s eye, today. From the smallest to the biggest, all of your plans will turn into reality. Don’t get disheartened if there are some obstacles on your path; you are fully armed to face the challenges and come out triumphant. Get yourself in the top gear, you will surely succeed, says Ganesha.

Pisces: For those looking for a promotion at the workplace, now is the time to ask for it. Freelancers could find interesting projects falling into their laps. Businesses are likely to see a surge in profits. No conflicts in personal life are indicated. Overall, a progressive and pleasant day awaits, says Ganesha.

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