Horoscope July 19: Money will flow in from various quarters for Capricorn; Taurus will win hearts of family members

Aries: Today, you will turn an attentive ear to your inner voice. As a result, you will able to execute all your plans with precision. Besides being cheerful, you will even take disappointments with a pinch of salt. Why just today, says Ganesha, you can have this rare quality for keeps.

Taurus: You will win the hearts of your family members today, forecasts Ganesha. Try and delay auction bids or sealed tenders. Job aspirants may look forward to belated success in interviews. Ganesha advises you to take abundant precautions in all critical matters.

Gemini: Interactions with members of the opposite sex may yield positive and pleasurable results today. Public servants will get the much-needed encouragement and moral support from bosses and family members. In academics, you will be able to solve whatever problem you set your mind to.

Cancer: Today, you are likely to remain open-minded while dealing with others. However, it doesn’t mean that you will always be soft on others. Later in the day, your approach may be different and stubborn. In the evening, you will enjoy the company of family and friends.

Leo: Pack your bags, and don’t forget the sunscreen and the shades. Look at the stars today — Ganesha foresees for you a strong prospect of going on a tour. If not an individual backpacking adventure, then an elaborate family holiday, but travel you shall. With Lady Luck smiling upon you all day long, getting work done to the satisfaction of all is not an issue. So wrap up the workload, and grab your suitcase. Bon voyage!

Virgo: Today, find yourself rummaging through the vast recesses of your inner self. You will make fabulous money to spend on your loved ones. Face up to work pressures by indulging in corporeal pleasures. You may warrant the company of someone special to think out loud all that is inside you, says Ganesha.

Libra: All things passionate seem to engulf you today. It is one of those moments when chance dictates every possibility of a new romantic love episode in your life. The last time a moment like this came by, Romeo met Juliet. Ganesha expects you to try hard to please your heartthrob. Also, you may want to spruce up and pay special attention to your looks.

Scorpio: You shall also work like a donkey and yet be smart as hell in what you do today. It is favourable if you engage in household activities – gardening, cooking, cleaning and the likes. Work pressure will be displaced by family pleasure, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius: Amid chaos and confusion, don’t forget the direction and destination, advises Ganesha. You may be running short of time today and may not find a single moment in peace. Taking a break at this point of time won’t be a crime, go for it.

Capricorn: Money will flow in from various quarters today, but it will also find its way out of your pockets. Keep a tab on your income and more on your expenses, says Ganesha. Situation at work may get a little trying, but you will overcome all problems through your innate and acquired skills, and past experience. You may have to slog hard for a while, but it is all a matter of time; your efforts will pay off in the long run.

Aquarius: Planning to buy a house or vehicle? Then today’s the day to make the booking. However, don’t buy anything in haste. Deliberate, says Ganesha, especially when it involves a huge sum of money. You may even shift residence, or change a job, and you will likely enjoy the whole process.

Pisces: Well begun is half done. With this in mind, you will actively seek your colleagues’ cooperation and the sanction of your seniors to tackle some important projects, says Ganesha. The evening should find you heading out to watch a movie or doing something creative, like painting.

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