Horoscope November 27: Right time for Virgo to start new project; Capricorn’s efforts will not go in vain



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Aries: For no reason whatsoever, you may clam up today. Of course, you will give credit to others wherever they’ve contributed. But you need to be more generous than that, says Ganesha, and share the secrets of your success with your compatriots. Also, do you really need to buy that $100 wallet?

Taurus: This is a bright, rosy day for students and scholars, particularly those who are engaged in, or are looking forward to higher studies, specializing in a particular professional stream. This a great day for making plans for higher studies abroad. Do not miss this opportunity. Plans made today are likely to materialize. The day also promises to be positive and eventful for employed people, assures Ganesha.

Gemini: It is better for you to swim with the current in all of today’s dealings, suggests Ganesha. This will help you effortlessly deal with even the most morbid state of affairs. No need to be a hero, today. Pleasure is the keyword for you. Your performance will be satisfying at work, and more than satisfying back home.

Cancer: A shopping spree with your darling is likely to be the highlight of the day, even though you will be paying for almost everything. Though you have decided to be this lavish out of sheer love, your sweetheart will more than return the favour with a sweaty thank you ‘return gift’ in the evening.

Leo: Seems today is just one of those days when things simply refuse to go your way. It happens to the best of us, says Ganesha, and there isn’t much one can do about it except slog it out and find that hidden reserve of moral support. On a brighter note, Ganesha observes the possibility of you meeting the right person who shall help you rekindle your imagination.

Virgo: Today is the right time to start a new project, while older projects that had been postponed will be finished. Over the next week, you will try to boost your energy levels. Parties will lead to a lot of entertainment and joy. Ganesha says children will bring home pride which will put you in even higher spirits.

Libra: The clock ticks on, but chances are it can hardly beat you in the race, thanks to your prompt and sincere efforts. Today, you shall be a paragon of excellence. However, Ganesha waves the red flag of caution: it always pays to be safe rather than sorry. Keep your eyes open and pay attention to the fine print before signing any contract or paper. You’d be surprised once you see the entire picture.

Scorpio: Add a pinch of innovation and inventiveness to your daily working style. There shall be order in the chaotic way you perform your tasks – though not apparent to others. Revitalise yourself and plunge into work with new-found zest and vigour, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius: Today, find yourself driving all your thoughts and actions towards your family. You will also spend some superb time with your dearie and discuss intimate matters. A relaxing day today as you spend time with your friends and family, chilling out and having a good laugh or two.

Capricorn: Now is the perfect time to showcase your talents and skills. You are all geared up to hit your target and do everything that is needed to be done. Your efforts will not go in vain as they will bear fruits for sure, says Ganesha. You will spend quality time with your family members and catch up with old friends.

Also Read: Weekly Horoscope Nov 25–Dec 1: Here’s a guide to the week ahead of you

Aquarius: It’s a day you may want to spend with yourself. But it may still not bring the desired peace and tranquillity. An unpleasant situation may force you to deal with reality, says Ganesha. You now realise how much strength you derive from your devotion to God.

Pisces: Of late, the harder you try, the more it seems you have to do. You are likely to put your foot down today and spend some time taking care of yourself and playing truant with your responsibilities. Recharge your batteries fully while you are at it, says Ganesha.

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