Mumbai: Actress Shrenu Parikh says during her school days, she used to mimic the ideal on-screen ‘bahus’ Tulsi and Parvati. Tulsi, essayed by actress Smriti Irani, and Parvati, portrayed by actress Sakshi Tanwar, were the audiences favourite telly ‘bahus’ in the 2000s.
Shrenu was also one of those who admired the two characters.
“I have grown up watching ‘saas-bahu’ serials and used to mimic Tulsi and Parvati in my school days during drama class or free period. I have idolised them and have always dreamed of playing their roles someday in my life,” Shrenu said in a statement.
The “Ishqbaaaz” actress will soon be seen in the upcoming show “Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna”.
“When I bagged the role of Jhanvi through ‘Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna’, it was like a dream come true. But I am not playing a typical Tulsi or Parvati on the show. Jhanvi is so layered and crafted so carefully that it surprises me every day.
“I wanted to challenge myself after ‘Ishqbaaaz’ and wanted to do something different from what I have been doing. This role has multiple layers to it and gives me the scope to grow as an actor,” she said.
“Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna” will soon premiere on StarPlus.