Importance of lighting the lamp in pujas and functions

Hindu Dharma gives a lot of importance to a lamp. We would have come across many occasions where a ceremonious lamp has been lit.


Importance of lighting a ceremonious lamp

Activation of the Sankalp-shakti of God

When any function is commenced by lighting of a lamp, with the help of atmajyoti, the respective Deity Principle is invoked from the Universe and a prayer is offered for the waves of the Deity to be present at the venue. This activates God’s Sankalp-shakti and the task is accomplished.


Creation of a protective sheath around the venue

Due to the movement of the Raja particles emitted by the flame of the lamp, the nirgun (Non-materialised) kriya-lahari (Waves of action) of God from the Universe get converted into Sagun Raja-predominant kriya-lahari and the strength of Kriya-shakti of God helps in the formation of a protective sheath of these kriya-lahari around the venue.


Lighting a ceremonious lamp

The stage is also called ‘the seat of knowledge’. Through the speaker on the stage, it is the God Principle that actually performs the service of imparting knowledge. The lit lamp symbolizes the atmajyoti, which is eternally knowledge bestowing.

This flame burns perpetually to enlighten all individuals with the knowledge of Brahman (God in His aspect as the Creator of the universe), to ferry them across Maya (The Great Illusion). Lighting the lamp is in a way, an invocation of the waves of knowledge that are activated on stage.

It also means keeping the waves of knowledge, generated on the knowledge imparting stage constantly active, through the medium of the flame of the lamp.

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