In Switzerland, people bury their underwear; here’s the reason

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There are so many methods of soil quality testing. People in different countries use different methods for soil quality testing.  But, today we will talk about the unique process adopted in Switzerland.

If you do not know, then you must know about a unique experiment being done only in Switzerland. Although experts sometimes examine the soil in the lab or sometimes in the field itself, but in Switzerland, at least two thousand white under wears are buried in the soil. The reason behind doing this is only to find out the health of the soil.

According to reports, farmers and planters in Switzerland bury about 2,000 white underwears in the ground for a research related to soil quality. Farmers are doing this work at the behest of scientists. Indeed, such an investigation is being done by the State Research Institute Agroscope of Switzerland.

According to the report, the State Research Institute, Agroscope sends white underwears to the volunteers participating in this study. Later the volunteers will examine the underwears. When small creatures destroy the underwaters, the volunteers determine the quality of the soil

In this unique research that is done extensively in Switzerland, scientists also keep an eye on how the impact of the underwear has been affected after being buried inside the ground. Scientists also investigate what is the condition of the cloth and how much cloth has been destroyed? The more it is destroyed the better is the quality of the soil.

According to Agroscope, farmers and garden owners involved in this experiment are also given tea bags to press into the ground. So that comparisons can be made in underwear and tea bags.

The underwears are usually kept buried in the ground for about a month, after which they are removed digitally and analyzed digitally.

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