In this country it is illegal to keep a single guinea pig: Know the reasons why

In this country it is illegal to keep a single guinea pig: Know the reasons why

We keep pets in our homes but at times treat them harshly. Sometimes we even completely ignore them. The pets do not get the love they deserve.

Guinea pigs are kept as pets by many. However, in Switzerland, it is illegal to own one guinea pig as these animals are vulnerable to loneliness and may even die. Cats and dogs may survive even if they are alone, but not the guinea pigs.

A new law in Switzerland has made it mandatory for guinea pig owners to have more than one species of the animal. One can even rent guinea pigs through various services on offer.

Adding to it, there are other laws protecting the rights of animals in this country. For example, goldfish needs to be accompanied by another in aquariums.

Various species of birds are also kept together so that they can ‘socialize’ and not feel lonely. Although owners can possess one cat, they will have to ensure that the animal mixes with other cats in the locality.

Even though the rules are odd, they have been made to keep the animals happy and safe.

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