In this Island only women can go…

In this Island only women can go…

Have you heard about a place where only women can go? But we are going to tell you about a place where men can’t go.

The name of this place is SuperShe Island, which is near the Baltic Sea of ​​Finland. Spread over 8.47 acres, this island was bought by Kristina Roth, a businesswoman of America.

Actually, Kristina was in search of a place where women could spend their leisure comfortably. This island provides fitness, nutrition, motivational talks, discussions and all those things which a woman fail to get in between her daily chores.

In the SuperShe Island, there is a resort comprising four cabins and 10 women can stay comfortable in these cabins. The resort will have other amenities, like spa, sauna bath. All cabins were made focusing on health. Cabin costs from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 4 lakh, in which a woman can have five days of rest.

According to media reports, women will have to book tickets before going to this island. Not only this, women have to clear interviews through Skype.

According to the reports, Kristina said that she doesn’t have any kind of hatred against men. In future, this island can also be opened for men, but at the moment it is just open for women only.









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