Barbil: Karo River and Dalki Creek are lifelines for mining-rich Barbil town in Keonjhar. But excessive exploitation of their water by industrial units is spelling doom for them, a report said. Besides, water flow into the creek from streams originating in Thakurani hills has also reduced over the years. Wanton water utilisation has taken a heavy toll on Dalki check dam.
Expressing concern over poor flows into these water bodies, locals see an impending crisis in the coming days. Several organisations and intellectuals have demanded that the government take immediate steps to renovate the river and the creek and impose curbs on excessive use of their water by industrial units.
“Industrial units are drawing water from the Karo River through pipes. Drain, sewer water and industrial effluents are being released into the water bodies. As a result, their flow has been choked at places,” locals said.
Dalki Dam was built in 1939, but for lack of maintenance its reservoir has become shallow with silt deposits. Its check dam is also in bad shape.
Recently, a group of young men from the locality visited the Thakurani hills from where several streams flow down. They took stock of their water sources and the condition of the check dam. Keen on renovating the river and the creek, they youths had invited Sudarshan Das, the convener of Agami Odiha and Mahanadi Bachao Andolan for a reality check on the deplorable condition of the river and the creek.
Expressing his concern over the poor flow of water in the river and the creek, Das observed, “Industrial units have been exploiting the water of Karo while they release their effluents into it. Rampant mining has left streams dry. There is a need to put a brake on wanton mining. The fund of the District Mineral Foundation (DMF) and the funds of the mining company that they allocate under corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities should be utilized for protection of environment, rivers, creeks and other water bodies in their peripheries.”
A company has announced `1.5 crore for renovation of the Dalki dam, but there is no progress on the proposal. The district administration has not come forward to carry out the work.
Activists of Agami Odisha and Barbil Nagarika Manch have decided to launch an agitation for the protection of Karo and Dalki.
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