Is it safe to drink lemon water during pregnancy?

Lemon juice has antioxidants: A rich source of anti-oxidants, lemon is best known natural cleansers. Consuming lemon juice during pregnancy would definitely help you get rid of the toxins from your body and keep infections at a bay. A glass of fresh lemon juice is best to kick start your day.

Besides, kids can also benefit from lemon juice.

Helps in indigestion: Pregnancy comes with its own set of discomforts, indigestion being one of them. It is normal for pregnant women to suffer from indigestion as your entire system is haywire. However, here your good-old Lemons come to your rescue. By keeping the digestive system ‘well-oiled’, lemon water is sure to allow you to eat all you fancy and as much you fancy!

helps check blood pressure: A fluctuation in your Blood Pressure is one of the most common aspects of pregnancy. There are women who suffer from high Blood Pressure and some suffer from the Low Blood Pressure. Lemon juice is known to keep your Blood pressure under-check when pregnant, so its a good drink to be taken during your pregnancy if suffer High blood pressure.

Decreases swelling: Swollen feet are something most pregnant women suffer from. This is termed as ‘Edema’. This specific condition is unhealthy, painful and uncomfortable as well. To keep Edema at bay, swallow a spoonful of Lemon juice with lukewarm water. This helps reduce Edema greatly and also ease out the pain that comes with it.

Easy labour: Labour can be painful and long. Some study show that consuming Lemon juice from the fifth month all the way till your delivery date helps in easing-out the stressful labors. Make it a habit to drink fresh Lemon water with Honey every day to help you on the day of your delivery.

Reduces constipation: One of the most embarrassing ‘side-effects’ (if I may use the term) of pregnancy is suffering from Constipation. However, with your daily glass of lime, constipation should soon be history as well. This is mainly because Lemon stimulates the Liver, making your Bowel-movements smoother.


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