New Delhi: Jennifer Lopez raised the bar once again with her latest photos in a neon yellow bikini chilling on a yacht. The 52-year-old pop star shared her sun-kissed pictures on Instagram sending the mercury a few notches higher on the Internet.
Jennifer captioned the photo “Ciao” with a yellow heart emoji.
Her Instagram page got flooded with comments from her fans minutes after she posted the pictures.
The pop-sensation looked stunning sitting on a yacht facing the ocean in a thoughtful mood. Her flattering curves and her super-toned abs stole the show.
Jennifer has been sharing moments from her birthday vacation on social media in stunning beachwears. She has shared photo dumps from her rejuvenating time with boyfriend Ben Affleck as she celebrated her birthday off the coast of France.
The pop star celebrated her birthday and broke the Internet the July 24 weekend by finally going Instagram-official with Affleck. They both were seen spending time together on a yacht in St. Tropez.